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  • US $10,000+
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Avis sur l’entreprise (1)
2.0 /5
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
Very good overall protection/packaging. But movable parts, inside machine were very bad protected, and damage and scrap machine surfaces and the parts. Also got a damage wheel, loosen wheel, Chinese plugs (exported to EUROPE), missing paint in some spots, different bolts, illegal and not working windows, and a few other bad details. Had sent a quality report with details and pictures of the machines and problems to seller, so he can reply with answer for what he will do to solve this problems and for future orders not happen it anymore, but seller refuse to answer . Had try to clear all this problems for second order, but seller refuse to change anything.

Réponse du fournisseur :

Hi ,Your comment is not true, I have told you clearly that we can change, because we have done a good job of protection before delivery, when you received all kinds of problems, and asked me to write all kinds of reports, I can't know what caused it. Your writing is a deliberate attempt to discredit our company.
14 May 2023
the machine is working very well, and the material is good also the sales is very kind and nice, thank you very much

    Réponse du fournisseur :

    07 Apr 2022
    Voir tous les avis
    Astuces vidéo
    Effet de marquage d'une machine de marquage à fibre optique de 20 watts
    # Gravure laser LASER JWFIBER AMRKING sur métal # lasermarking
    # Fabrication de laser # gravure laser # Machines de marquage Laser machine de marquage laser à fibre bon prix à vendre.
    Pour les matériaux de peinture épais besoin de définir une puissance laser approprié/vitesse/trappe. Marquage plusieurs fois. # Fabrication laser
    Liaocheng Jingwei Laser Equipment Co,Ltd se concentre sur 10 ans de recherche approfondie de la découpe laser, de la gravure laser et d'autres aspects.
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